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Be Brave

Photo Oct 24, 12 05 47 PM.png

We are so excited to launch this brand new series! "Be Brave" will focus on characters from the Bible, and the extreme courage they had to do all God called them to do!


God makes me brave!


Do not be afraid

(shake your right pointer finger back and forth)

I am with you

(hug yourself)

Do not be terrified

(shake your left pointer finger back and forth)

I am your God.

(both pointer fingers, point up)

I will make you strong

(make muscle arms)

and help you

(both hands, palms up)

Isaiah 41:10

(Both hands like you’re opening a book)

Big Idea Slide

Big Idea Slide

Parent Take Home Card

Parent Take Home Card

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Slide

Memory Verse Motions